America’s Misunderstood Welfare State: Persistent Myths, Enduring Realities, with Jerry Mashaw and Theodore Marmor (Basic Books, 1990).
Securing the Right to Employment: Social Welfare Policy and the Unemployed in the United States (Princeton University Press, 1989).
“What is Full Employment—And Why the Definition Matters,” National Jobs for All Coalition, Sept. 27, 2016.
Would H.R. 1000 Create Enough Jobs to Achieve Genuine Full Employment, National Jobs for All Coalition, May 27, 2015.
The Anti-Inflationary Features of H.R. 1000, National Jobs for All Coalition, Feb. 8, 2015.
“Framing the Fight for a Job Guarantee: Defining Full Employment As the Realization of the Right to Work,” in Full Employment Revisited, edited by Tanweer Ali and Diamond Ashiagbor (United Kingdom: Work Forum Publishing, 2015), pp. 55-67.
“Securing the Right to Work and Income Security,” in Activation Policies for the Unemployed, the Right to Work and the Duty to Work, edited by Daniel Dumont and Elise Dermine (Brussels, P.I.E. Peter Lang, 2014), pp. 223-254.
“The New Deal Direct Job Creation Strategy: Providing Employment Assurance for American Workers,” in When Government Helped, edited by Gertrude Goldberg and Sheila Collins (Oxford University Press, 2013), pp. 146-179
“Compensating a People for the Loss of Their Homeland: Diego Garcia, the Chagossians, and the Human Rights Standards Damages Model,” with David Vine and S. Wojciech Sokolowski, 11 Northwestern J. Int’l Hum. Rts. 152-185 (2013).
“An Answer to Unemployment: A Jobs-for-All Bill,” with Rep. John Conyers Jr., Congressional Quarterly Roll Call, May 20, 2013.
“More for Less: The Job Guarantee Strategy,” Basic Income Studies, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 3-18 (2013).
“Professor Harvey on Job Creation,” Rutgers Journal of Law and Public Policy Blog of Current Legal Issues, April 17, 2013.
“A Debate on Back to Full Employment,” with Robert Pollin, Back to Full Employment, Web Log, Dec. 18, 2012 and March 26, 2013.
“Wage Policies and Funding Strategies for Job Guarantee Programs,” in The Job Guarantee: Toward True Full Employment, edited by Michael J. Murray and Mathew Forstater (Palgrave MacMillan, 2013).
“Why is the Right to Work So Hard to Secure,” in The State of Economic and Social Human Rights: A Global Overview, edited by Alanson Minkler (Cambridge University Press, 2013).
“The Disparate Responses of Harry Hopkins and John Maynard Keynes to the Great Depression and Why It Was the Social Worker Rather Than the Economist Who Got It Right,” Blanche Grosswald Lecture, Rutgers University School of Social Work, April 17 & 20, 2012 (Rutgers University School of Social Work, 2013).
“Learning From the New Deal,” 39 Review of Black Political Economy, March 2012, at 87-105.
“Securing the Right to Work at the State or Local Level with a Direct Job-Creation Program,” Big Ideas for Jobs Initiative, Institute for Research on Labor and Employment, University of California at Berkeley (November 2011).
“Back To Work: A Public Jobs Proposal for Economic Recovery,” Demos (March 2011).
“A Trickle-Up Recovery Plan,” in “Obama’s New Deal?,” 89 Rutgers, Winter 2009, at 37, 88.
“’We All Must Have the Same Treatment’: Calculating the Damages of Human Rights Abuses for the People of Diego Garcie” with David Vine and Wojtek Sokoloski, in Waging War, Making Peace, edited by Barbara Rose Johnston and Susan Slyomovics (Left Coast Press, 2009).
“Is There A Progressive Alternative to Conservative Welfare Reform,” 15 Geo. J. Pov. L. & Pol’y 157-208 (2008).
“A Survey of Full Employment Advocates,” with Gertrude Schaffner Goldberg and Helen Lachs Ginsburg, 41 J. Econ. Issues 1161-68 (2007).
“Was meinen wir mit Volbeschaftigung? Eine Untersuchung,” with Gertrude S. Goldberg and Helen L. Ginsburg, in Keynes Als Alternative(r): Argumente fur eine gerechetere Wirtshafft, edited by Gunter Krause (Berlin: Karl Dietz, 2007), 241-258.
“Benchmarking the Right to Work” in Economic Rights: Conceptual, Measurement and Policy Issues, edited by Alanson Minkler and Shareen Hartel (Cambridge University Press, 2007), 115-141.
“Estimating the Cost of Government Job Creation Programs” (July 2007) report commissioned by the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC), Pretoria, South Africa, as part of the HSRC’s Mid-Term Review of the South African government’s Expanded Public Works Program (EPWP).
“U.S. Job Creation Programs in the 1930s” (July 2007) report commissioned by the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC), Pretoria, South Africa, as part of the HSRC’s Mid-Term Review of the South African government’s Expanded Public Works Program (EPWP).
“Argentina’s Jefes De Hogar Program” (July 2007) report commissioned by the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC), Pretoria, South Africa, as part of the HSRC’s Mid-Term Review of the South African government’s Expanded Public Works Program (EPWP).
“The Relative Cost of a Universal Basic Income and A Negative Income Tax,” Basic Income Studies, Vol. 2, No. 2, Article 6, pp. 1-24 (2006).
“Funding A Job Guarantee,” 2 Int’l J. Env’t, Workplace & Emp. 114-132 (2006).
“The Right to Work and Basic Income Guarantees: Competing or Complementary Goals?” 2 Rutgers J.L. Pub. Pol’y 8-59 (2005).
“Introduction: Symposium on Basic Income Guarantees and the Right to Work,” with Jennifer Boyle, 2 Rutgerss J.L. Pub. Pol’y 1-7 (2005).
“Aspirational Law,” 52 Buff. L. Rev. 701-26 (2004).
“Comments” in Reinventing Functional Finance: Transformational Growth and Full Employment, edited by Edward J. Nell and Mathew Forstater (Edward Elgar, 2003), 322-23, 334-36.
“Human Rights and Economic Policy Discourse: Taking Economic and Social Rights Seriously,” 33 Colum. Hum. Rts. L. Rev., 363-471 (2002).
“Understanding The Unemployment Experience of Low-Wage Workers: Implications for Ethnographic Research,” in Laboring Below the Line: The New Ethnography of Poverty, Low-Wage Work, and Survival in the Global Economy, edited by Frank Munger (Russell Sage Foundation, 2002), 95-110.
“Combating Joblessness: An Analysis of the Principal Strategies that Have Influenced the Development of American Employment and Social Welfare Law During the 20th Century,” 21 Berkeley J. Emp. & Lab. L. 677-758 (2000).
“Direct Job Creation,” in Commitment to Full Employment: Macroeconomics and Social Policy in Memory of William Vickrey, edited by Aaron Warner, et al. (M.E. Sharpe, 2000), 35-54.
“The History of Right to Work Claims,” Rutgers–Camden Series of Occasional Papers No. 1 (1999) <>.
“Liberal Strategies for Combating Joblessness in the Twentieth Century, 33 J. Econ. Issues 497-504 (1999).
“Joblessness and the Law Before the New Deal,” 6 Geo. J. Pov. L. & Pol’y 1-41 (1999).
“Understanding the Failure of Public Policies Designed to Combat Joblessness,” (paper summary) 3 Int’l. Indus. Rel. Ass’n, 11th World Cong. Proc. 483-86 (Sept. 22-26, 1998).
“It’s About Jobs,” Soc. Pol’y, Summer 1997, at 39.
“How Many Jobs Are There? The Need for a National Job Vacancy Survey,” Uncommon Sense No. 15 (Jan. 1997).
“Paying for Full Employment,” Uncommon Sense No. 14 (Dec. 1996).
“Gingrich’s Time Bomb: The Consequences of the Contract,” with Theodore Marmor and Jerry Mashaw, The Am. Prospect, Spring 1995, at 44; reprinted with revisions in Ticking Time Bombs: The New Conservative Assault on Democracy, edited by Robert Kuttner (New Press, 1996), 309-23.
“Paying for Full Employment: A Hard-Nosed Look at Finances,” Soc. Pol’y, Spring 1995, at 21.
“Welfare ‘Reform’: Where Are the Jobs?” (With Gertrude Schaffner Goldberg, Sheila Collins, and Helen Lachs Ginsburg) Uncommon Sense No. 5 (March 1995).
“Fashioning A Work-Based Strategy for Welfare Reform Based on International Human Rights Doctrine,” 16 J. Pub. Health Pol’y 269-85 (1995).
Plenty of Jobs? Where?,” N. Y. Times, Nov. 25, 1994, at A37.
“Employment As A Human Right,” in Sociology and the Public Agenda, edited by William Julius Wilson (Sage Publications, 1993), 351-74.
“Unemployment As A Human Rights Issue,” Peace & Democracy News, Fall 1992, at 53.
“Creeping Socialism: The Welfare State and Social Transformation,” Dollars & Sense, October 1991, at 12.
“Political Handcuffs Hobble Debate,” “If We Want Real Reform, Canada Has An Example,” “Myths That Explode Like Firecrackers,” “People Will Pay If All Benefit,” with Theodore Marmor and Jerry Mashaw, L. A. Times, Oct. 3, 4, 8 and 9, 1991, at B7.
“The Attack on Social Security,” with Theodore Marmor and Jerry Mashaw, 1 Domestic Aff ., 115-46 (1991).
“Monitoring Mechanisms for International Agreements Respecting Economic and Social Human Rights,” 12 Yale J. Int’l L. 396-420 (1987).
“The Value Creating Capacity of Skilled Labor in Marxian Economics,” 17 Rev. Radical Pol. Econ. 83-102 (1985).
“Marx’s Theory of the Value of Labor Power: An Assessment,” 50 Soc. Res. 305-44 (1983).
“The Tenure Rights of Rutgers-Camden Faculty In the Event of A Merger of the Rutgers-Camden Campus into Rowan University,” April 25, 2012.
“The Effects of the New Jersey Medical and Health Sciences Education Restructuring Act on Rutgers-Camden,” Aug. 23, 2012.
Humphrey-Hawkins 21st Century Full Employment and Training Act, H.R. 1000, 113th Cong. (2013-2014), 114th Cong. (2015-2016), 115th Cong. (2017-2018), (served as principal advisor on the design and drafting of bill for Rep. John Conyers [D-MI] ).