Wages and Wage Growth

Full Employment means not only a job but fair pay and benefits.

Do You Get a Fair Pay? Check your salary
Living Wage Calculator, MIT
What are you worth?
Family Budget Calculator, EPI 1/24
Job Quality Index  Monthly assessing private job quality. It measures desirable higher-wage/higher-hour jobs versus lower-wage/lower-hour jobs.

Median real weekly earnings of Production and Nonsupervisory Employees, private sector: Wages of production workers still not back to 1973

Source: https://fred.stlouisfed.org/graph/?graph_id=1248424

New Treasury Report Finds Corporate Concentration, Anti-competitive Practices Have Stifled Wages for Workers and Reduced their Power in the Marketplace 3/22

Identifying the policy levers generating wage suppression and wage inequality, Mishel & Bivens, EPI 5/21

Black-white wage gaps are worse today than in 2000,  Gould, EPI 2/20

Low-wage work is more pervasive than you think, Ross & Bateman, Brookings, 11/19

The lost ones: The opportunities and outcomes of white, non-college-educated Americans born in the 1960s, Borella et al, 5/19

Grand Theft Paycheck: A detailed analysis of federal and state court records shows that wage theft is pervasive in Corporate America. Good Jobs First, 6/18

The State of American Wages 2017 Wages have finally recovered from the blow of the Great Recession but are still growing too slowly and unequally, Gould, EPI 3/18

Revitalizing Wage Growth: Policies to Get American Workers a Raise, Brookings, 2/18

Why Is It So Hard for Americans to Get a Decent Raise? Weissman, Slate, 1/18

Three years ago, this boss set a $70,000 minimum wage for his employees — and the move is still paying off. Wheeler 8/

Union decline lowers wages of nonunion workersThe overlooked reason why wages are stuck and inequality is growing, Rosenfeld et al, EPI 8/16

‘Middle class’ used to denote comfort and security. Not anymore Quart, Guardian 7/16

Source: The Startling Truth About How Working Families Are Truly Faring In This Economy, Snyder 6/16

Poor Wages Send A Third Of US Manufacturing Workers To Welfare Lines In Order To Pay For Food, Healthcare, Young, IBT, 5/16

Understanding the Historic Divergence Between Productivity and a Typical Worker’s Pay: Why It Matters and Why It’s Real — Bivens & Mishel 9/15

The Typical Male U.S. Worker Earned Less in 2014 Than in 1973, WSJ Washington Wire, 9/15
Real Wages 1964-2014










Source: http://www.pewresearch.org/files/2014/10/Wage_stagnation.png

The missing puzzle piece of the global economic recovery is finally falling into place, Bird 6/15

If Employers Can’t Find Workers With the Right Skills Why Don’t They Try Raising Wages? Baker, 6/14

Raising America’s Pay, EPI; Raising America’s Pay: Why It’s Our Central Economic Policy Challenge, Bivens et al, EPI 5/14

A Decade of Flat Wages? Rios-Avila & Hotchkiss, Levy P 2014/4, 6/14

Minimum Wage Laws in the States – January 1, 2013 (en español)

Wage Data from State of Working America, EPI, Mishel et al

Assessing the Job Polarization Explanation of Growing Wage Inequality, Mishel et al, 1/13

Going Nowhere: Workers’ Wages Since the Mid-1970s, TCF, 1/13

The 10-Year Decline in Wages for Most College Graduates, Mishel, EPI, 10/12

Unionization Substantially Improves the Pay & Benefits of Latino Workers en español

Vast majority of wage earners are working harder, and for not much more, Mishel 1/13

Median earnings for full-time male workers in 2013: $50,033
Median earnings for full-time male workers in 1973: $52,421 [
2013 dollars] BLS, 1973 is the peak earnings year. For full-time women workers, the peak is 2007.