Conyers Bill HR 1000 Summary: Humphrey-Hawkins 21st Century Full Employment and Training Act

Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) has introduced HR 1000, the Humphrey-Hawkins 21st Century Full Employment and Training Act. This comprehensive federal job creation and training bill creates a national public service jobs program, and recommits the U.S. to seeking a national goal of full employment, where everyone has the right to useful work at living wages.… Read More Conyers Bill HR 1000 Summary: Humphrey-Hawkins 21st Century Full Employment and Training Act

NJFAC Social Security Packet and Links

Social Security links What Is Social Security? What Really Supports the Elderly? Social Security: What’s in It for Younger People? Una Prueba: ¿Que Le Ofrece El Seguro Social A Las Personas Jovenes? Packet Summary–English [Below–August 2019]; Español [August 2001] SOCIAL SECURITY VS. SOCIAL INSECURITY:   A Social Security Packet: Summary and Update [rev. 8/19] What is… Read More NJFAC Social Security Packet and Links

Social Security flyer: Private Accounts

Social Security Privatization [flyer] Written by Susan Bendor, Social Work, Yeshiva University; Dan Berger, Three Parks Independent Democrats; Helen Lachs Ginsburg, Emerita, Economics, Brooklyn College; Andrew Kurzweil, Treasurer, New York State Young Democrats Disability Issues Caucus; David Langer, Consulting Actuary; Martin Morand, Emeritus, Industrial and Labor Relations, Indiana Univ of Pennsylvania; union labor educator; Larry… Read More Social Security flyer: Private Accounts