We’ve made it easy for you or your organization to join efforts to protect and strengthen Social Security. Local {NYS) and national coalitions need you to volunteer your time and contacts. Through the following websites and phone numbers you can obtain meeting information, endorsement forms, downloadable flyers, posters, policy research, action alerts, draft letters and links to reach members of Congress.
In New York City and State:
NYS Alliance for Retired Americans (NYSARA) (local affiliate of national organization), or call 518-783-6231.
Citizen Action of NY: part of In This Together and a national campaign, additional resources & tools.http://citizenactionny.org/category/regions/new-york-city Statewide-518-465-4600 or in NYC-212-523-0180. Fights on a range of social issues.
National Organizations:
AFL-CIO: pension toolkit, fact-sheets, flyers, posters, email action alerts, links to elected officials, https://aflcio.org/issues/social-security-and-retirement Toll-Free calls to members of Congress: 1-800-718-1008
Alliance for Retired Americans (ARA): broad coalition of community based organizations, retirees and unions; local affiliates, fact-sheets, email action alerts. 1-202-637-5399
National Committee to Preserve Social Security & Medicare: fact-sheets, sample letters, more. Toll-Free calls for updates & to reach Congress: 1-800-998-0180
Century Foundation: Social Insurance: research and policy reports, fact-sheets, links to press editorials & news articles. Join their email alert list for updates.
Center for Economic and Policy Research: fact-sheets, research, reports, including weekly review evaluating reporting by major media, and yearly update on SS Trustees Reports.
National Jobs for All: Social Security Packet — compilation of fact-sheets, position papers, and posters.
AARP: national membership organization of seniors; local affiliates, lots of policy information and tools. Call 1-888-687-2277,https://www.aarp.org/retirement/social-security// Not always reliable on SS “reform”.